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Also in the 6th revised and improved edition, published by a government-funded publisher involved in EU programs and a partner of the Federal Ministry of Education, you receive the concentrated expertise of renowned experts (overview in the book preview), as well as tailored premium content and access to travel deals with discounts of up to 75%. At the same time, you do good and support sustainable projects.
Because if you inspire and enthuse your employees as a boss, you can save yourself any laboriously trained motivation tool. Being authentic is the magic word, especially online, in digital communication and social media. In our agile age, it is becoming increasingly important to master this and to be aware of one’s impact both inside and outside the company. This is especially true in crisis situations, where not only personnel management and personnel development but also psychological skills are in demand. The boss always acts somewhere between rule giver, organizer and animator, who always has an open ear for his employees, but also guides them. Accordingly, the performance reviews dreaded by all employees quickly become a balancing act between offering cooperation and wrangling over competencies. All too often, a healthy feedback culture is lacking in which even disputes are not a problem. But this is the only way that productive, motivated and fruitful cooperation in teams can develop at all. This book shows what is important in this process.
With its „Info on Demand“ concept, the publisher not only participated in an EU-funded program but was also awarded the Global Business Award as Publisher of the Year. Therefore, by purchasing this book, you are also doing good: The publisher is financially and personally involved in socially relevant projects such as tree planting campaigns, the establishment of scholarships, sustainable living arrangements, and many other innovative ideas.
The goal of providing you with the best possible content on topics such as career, finance, management, recruiting, or psychology goes far beyond the static nature of traditional books: The interactive book not only imparts expert knowledge but also allows you to ask individual questions and receive personal advice.
In doing so, expertise and technical innovation go hand in hand, as we take the responsibility of delivering well-researched and reliable content, as well as the trust you place in us, very seriously. Therefore, all texts are written by experts in their field. Only for better accessibility of information do we rely on AI-supported data analysis, which assists you in your search for knowledge.
You also gain extensive premium services: Each book includes detailed explanations and examples, making it easier for you to successfully use the consultation services, freeky available only to book buyers. Additionally, you can download e-courses, work with workbooks, or engage with an active community. This way, you gain valuable resources that enhance your knowledge, stimulate creativity, and make your personal and professional goals achievable and successes tangible.
That’s why, as part of the reader community, you have the unique opportunity to make your journey to personal success even more unforgettable with travel deals of up to 75% off. Because we know that true success is not just a matter of the mind, but is primarily the result of personal impressions and experiences.
Publisher and editor Simone Janson is also a bestselling author and one of the 10 most important German bloggers according to the Blogger Relevance Index. Additionally, she has been a columnist and author for renowned media such as WELT, Wirtschaftswoche, and ZEIT – you can learn more about her on Wikipedia.
Wir geben zahlreiche Bücher aus den Bereichen Beruf & Karriere, Personalwesen, Finanzen und Lebenshilfe heraus und verfolgen dabei ein einzigartiges On-Demand Konzept, das auch bei unseren Magazinen und eKursen Anwendung findet.
Jedes unserer Bücher bietet Ihnen Wissen kompakt im schnellen Überblick zum Thema sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge. Es hilft Ihnen dabei, Schritt für Schritt Entscheidungen zu treffen, zum Erfolg zu kommen und beinhalten zur leichteren Lesbarkeit auch zahlreiche Übersichten und Checklisten.
Der Verlag wurde durch die Kulturstaatsministerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland staatlich gefördert, war an EU-geförderten Projekten beteiligt und wurde ausgezeichnet als Publisher of the Year mit dem Global Business Award des Magazins Corporate Vision,. Er engagiert sich für gesellschaftlich relevante Projekte wie den Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Wohnformen und wird immer wieder in der Fachpresse rezipiert.
Das Besondere an diesem Konzept ist nämlich: Sie können sich hier auf unserer Seite Ihre Inhalte und Informationen in einem Buch nach Ihren Wünschen selbst zusammenstellen. Auf diese Weise ermöglichen wir Ihnen ganz gezielt Wissen zu erwerben. Daneben können Leser unsere interaktive Beratung kostenlos nutzen und erhalten Gutscheine für rabattierte Erfolg-Erlebnisse.
Damit wir Ihnen diese vielfältigen Möglichkeiten so günstig wie möglich anbieten und gleichzeitig gesellschaftlich relevante Projekte unterstützen können, verfolgen wir ein dezidiertes Konzept zur Qualitätssicherung. Weitere Informationen geben wir Ihnen gerne auf Anfrage.
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